2019: Another Safe Year at BCS

We are happy to report another year of no lost time accidents at BCS. The safety program is paramount across both locations, from the office to the lab to the production floor. Employees from all departments participate in the program, including the company-wide first...

10 Years of Safety

BCS was recognized for another year of no lost time accidents at the 2019 Georgia Mining Association convention. BCS has operated for over 10 years with this distinction of safety! Safety is a top priority for everyone from management to the office staff to the...

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

BCS was officially certified under the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard!  Our Audit was highly successful ending with 0 Major Nonconformances, 0 Minor Nonconformances, and only 2 Opportunities for Improvements. Our auditors interviewed 9 different employees during the...