Sustainability at BCS
Environmental, Health, & Safety
The safety of our employees, contractors, visitors, and community is our priority. Consistently develop, implement, and maintain effective EHS management systems, including procedures and training, to offer products and services that consider environmental and safety impacts throughout their life cycles.

Customer service will go above and beyond to care for our customers through communication, relationship building, and value-creation on a consistent basis through our products, services, and technical expertise. BCS will maintain certification under ISO 9001:2015 and commit to measure, monitor, and analyze processes to achieve planned results, mitigate risks, engage opportunities, and take any appropriate action to demonstrate continual improvement of these processes.

BCS will remain a privately held and debt-free entity with organic yearly revenue growth of 10%, while maintaining 15% or higher EBITDA, to meet our goals of reinvestment, expansion, and profit sharing with our employees, communities, and charities.

Supply Chain
BCS will create relationships with honest, reputable, established companies who stand upon similar pillars of responsible production practices, who identify and reduce the impacts of their supply chains in a direct effort to support our environmental stewardship and financial goals, and help reach the BCS goal to be a low-cost product manufacturer or service provider on a consistent basis.